Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Joy of Uninhibited Dancing

Last year,  when Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar graced Mumbai with a much awaited visit, I had gone for a Maha Satsang organized by the Art of Living Foundation at Thane. It was conducted in a stadium, and I had a birds eye view of the entire stadium from where I was sitting.

As the satsang progressed, everyone became more and more joyous with each passing moment and suddenly I found myself surrounded by some 10000 odd people all of whom were dancing away with complete joy, enthusiasm and abandon. It was a moment I will never forget, as all I could do then was stop dancing and look at thousands of people around me all dancing away abandoning all their inhibitions. The joy that was on their faces made their dance beautiful to watch, even though it did not fall into the generally perceived norms of beauty in dance. It did not matter to them who was watching and how they were dancing, because it was an expression of great happiness...

Art has the ability convert great pain into an object of great beauty. When we let go of our inhibitions and dance for pure joy, we take our art to a level beyond that imparted by our training. The pure uninhibited joy transcends the boundaries of technical finesse and refined beauty making our art and our dance a divine experience for both ourselves and anyone who is watching us.